Just bought this app a couple days ago. Ive imported a few shapefiles from work and they all have worked so far. I have a few suggestions.
Work on symbology for multiple categories in each shapefiles. Allowing imports of layers would help with this.
A more intuitive table of contents for layer adjustment, toggling and symbolism would be great.
Create a toolbar for Id, measure, area, and selection. An option for attribute selection and export of selection as shp would be ideal.
A toolbar with some simple analysis tools such as buffer, union, and intersect would make this a more practical program.
Also, last but not least an editor feature that allows for polygon and line editing and feature creation as well as attrribute field editing would be awesome.
This is a lot to ask for in a handheld GIS app, but I am looking forward to new updates. So far Im quite impressed with this. You cant beat it for $20!!
Makisupa7 about iGIS